Designing a Logo for Your Business
Too often I see small services businesses
- not just pressure washing - overlook the
power and value of a good logo and corporate
indentity. I don't believe in names like, "Johnny's
pressure washing" or "Steve's Mobile Detailing"
- as in most cases these names are dead giveaways
that you are a small, semi-professional operation.
Now I know there are lots of very professional
businesses using that type of name - but much
of the public is under-estimating them based
on their name.
Unless you are some sort of celebrity who's
name is already a house hold name
then I suggest giving your business a name
of it's own.
No matter what you name your business - it
needs a logo. Some people pay way too much
for their logo (sometimes in the millions)
service businesses like ours tend to over look
it too much. When a child is learning to read
they are not just shown the word, "ball" -
but instead "ball" and a picture of a ball.
Why do you think that is? The object association
identifies and commits to memory. That's all
you are trying to do with your logo - give
off some sort of identity and hope it sticks.
Here are some basic tips you may want
to follow in choosing and designing a logo
for your business.
- Colors... Find your top comeptitor and
choose a very different color than them.
If they use Red and Blue - consider using
something in green or another very different
- Colors... try to stick with a 2 or 3 color
scheme max. Too many colors can be confusing
and unattractive.
- Shape... Lots of great logos are all shapes
- but the mind's eye is a horizontal box
- just like a car windshield. I prefer logos
that are this shape so they will fit perfectly
and use 100% of the space in the mind's eye.
- Nothing too fancy! I don't think any logo
should be overly complicated, but certainly
not in our business. Something simple and
clean that will be easy to have printed on
shirts, decals for trucks and tanks, forms,
- Get Real Logo Files! - Lots of people can
create catchy looking logos but not all create
a set of truly professional files that you
can later hand off to printers to produce
professional quality reproductions of your
file. When you have printing done - whether
it be postcards or truck decals you want
to be able to provide a printers quality,
high resolution file of your logo. Most any
professional logo service is going to provide
these files either via download or on a CD.
Here are some good places to have your logo
created online.
LogoWorks offering some very nice logo
design and corporate identity work for
as little as $299. ( This link saves
you $20 off that. ) |
This is a do-it-yourself service that
lets you piece together great looking
logos. You can try the service for free
and if you like the logo buy it for $99.
They have some good looking samples
on their website. |
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